Habits that Make Professional Teeth Cleaning Necessary
Many people think that brushing their teeth daily and using dental floss occasionally is enough. However, in reality, there are many habits and lifestyles that make regular professional teeth cleaning essential:
Common Causes of Dental Problems:
Tobacco use leads to increased tartar and discolored teeth. Smokers are particularly prone to gum diseases.
Sugary and acidic foods promote plaque formation, leading to cavities and tartar.
Coffee and Tea Consumption:
Frequent consumption of coffee and tea leads to discoloration and increases the need for regular teeth cleaning.
Braces or Retainers:
People with braces often have hard-to-reach areas that require thorough cleaning.
Dangers of Home Remedies and Self-Treatment
Home teeth cleaning with remedies like baking soda or tartar removers can damage tooth enamel and cause long-term tooth pain and loss. A professional cleaning, however, removes stubborn tartar and plaque, preventing serious dental diseases.
Why Teeth Cleaning is Important – Not Just for Treating Problems:
PZR is not only important when dental problems exist but especially as a preventive measure. Regular teeth cleaning prevents problems from occurring in the first place. This can help avoid expensive dental treatments due to periodontitis, cavities, or gum diseases.
Dental Insurance for Teeth Bleaching with
Goodlife portal za usporedbu dopunskog stomatološkog osiguranja
Naš cilj je učiniti cijeli proces što jednostavnijim. Evo vodiča korak po korak:
- Ispunite obrazac: Vaši kontakt podaci
Besplatna telefonska konzultacija i odabir osiguranja za zube
Jedan od naših stručnjaka kontaktirat će vas na vašem jeziku kako bi odgovorio na vaša pitanja i pronašao najbolje opcije za vaše dijete. Zajedno s našim stručnjacima odabrat ćete najbolje dopunsko osiguranje za zube za djecu prema vašem budžetu i stanju zubi vašeg djeteta.
Primite dokumente osiguranja i zakažite pregled kod stomatologa:
Svi potrebni dokumenti bit će vam poslani putem e-pošte ili pošte. Ili ćemo mi zakazati termin kod vašeg stomatologa, ili to možete učiniti sami. Stomatolog će napraviti troškovnik.
Pošaljite troškovnik stomatološkom osiguranju:
Mi ćemo upravljati komunikacijom s osiguranjem i proslijediti troškovnik.
Započnite liječenje:
Nakon potvrde od stomatološkog osiguranja, vaše dijete može započeti liječenje.
Besplatne konzultacije
Vodimo vas kroz svaki korak procesa kako biste mogli primiti optimalni tretman bez birokratskih prepreka.
Comparison: Statutory vs. Private Dental Insurance for Teeth Cleaning
Many people are unaware that their statutory health insurance generally does not cover or only partially covers the costs of teeth cleaning. Here's an overview of what you can expect:
Zakonsko zdravstveno osiguranje (SHI)
Statutory health insurance typically covers part or none of the costs for professional teeth cleaning. In certain medical situations (e.g., periodontitis), part of the treatment may be covered, but in most cases, you must pay the full cost yourself. Professional teeth cleaning costs about €100–150 per treatment.
Private Dental Insurance
Private dental insurances offer significantly better coverage. They cover up to 100% of the costs for PZR, depending on the plan. This ensures that your teeth cleaning is covered without having to pay high amounts.
- Cost for PZR: €150
- Statutory Insurance: No or partial coverage.
- Private Insurance: 100% reimbursement.
The Best Dental Insurance for Teeth Cleaning in Germany
We have compared the best dental insurances for teeth cleaning in Germany. Here are some providers offering particularly attractive plans for PZR:
Münchener Verein Dental Insurance
- Up to 100% reimbursement for PZR.
- Ideal for regular teeth cleanings.
Allianz Dental Insurance
- 100% reimbursement for PZR, including other dental treatments.
- Affordable plan for all age groups.
Concordia Dental Insurance
- 100% reimbursement for PZR and additional treatments.
- Also ideal for young insured with low contributions.
Continentale Dental Insurance
- 100% reimbursement for PZR without waiting times.
- Additional services for dental prosthetics.
The Best Tariff for Teeth Cleaning – For Every Budget and Need
Choosing the right tariff depends on various factors, such as the frequency of teeth cleanings and your budget. Here's an overview of the best tariffs for teeth cleaning:
- Cijena:
od 5 € mjesečno
- Čišćenje zubi:
- Izbjeljivanje
- Ograničenje:
Do 250 €
- Godine
Svake godine
Bez vremena čekanja
Cijena dentalnog plana ovisi o vašoj dobi, dentalnom zdravlju i tretmanima.
Zatražite besplatne konzultacije sada!
MeinZahnschutz 75
- Cijena:
od 8 € mjesečno
- Čišćenje zubi:
- Izbjeljivanje
- Ograničenje:
Do 150 €
- Godine
Sve 2
Bez vremena čekanja
Cijena dentalnog plana ovisi o vašoj dobi, dentalnom zdravlju i tretmanima.
Zatražite besplatne konzultacije sada!
Zahn Sorglos
- Cijena:
od 13 € mjesečno
- Čišćenje zubi:
- Izbjeljivanje
- Ograničenje:
Do 500 €
- Godine
Svake godine
Bez vremena čekanja
Cijena dentalnog plana ovisi o vašoj dobi, dentalnom zdravlju i tretmanima.
Zatražite besplatne konzultacije sada!
Münchener Verein
Zahn Gesund 100
- Cijena:
od 16 € mjesečno
- Čišćenje zubi:
- Izbjeljivanje
- Ograničenje:
Do 200 €
- Godine
Sve 2
Bez vremena čekanja
Cijena dentalnog plana ovisi o vašoj dobi, dentalnom zdravlju i tretmanima.
Zatražite besplatne konzultacije sada!
Special tariffs are also available for families, seniors, or students, which are affordable and comprehensive.
Rezervirajte besplatne konzultacije sada
Besplatne konzultacije
Odabir pravog dopunskog stomatološkog osiguranja za izbjeljivanje nije lak – zahtijeva individualni savjet. Naši stručnjaci nude besplatne telefonske konzultacije na više od 20 jezika. Pomažemo vam pronaći pravi plan prilagođen vašim potrebama i budžetu.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Dental Insurance for Teeth Cleaning
Pokriva li dopunsko stomatološko osiguranje izbjeljivanje?
Da, mnoga dopunska stomatološka osiguranja pokrivaju troškove izbjeljivanja zubi, posebno u privatnom sektoru. Točan iznos povrata ovisi o planu i pružatelju.
How often does dental insurance cover the costs for PZR?
Depending on the provider and plan, professional teeth cleaning is usually covered once or twice a year, either fully or partially. Some providers also offer flat-rate plans that cover unlimited PZR treatments.
Is dental insurance for teeth cleaning worth it?
Yes, especially if you have regular PZR treatments. Without insurance, you have to pay the full cost yourself, which can become very expensive in the long run. With dental insurance, you save money every year.
Can I insure my teeth cleaning if treatment has already been recommended?
In many cases, you can still take out dental insurance. However, there may be a waiting period of 3 to 6 months for certain services.
How much does dental insurance for teeth cleaning cost?
Monthly premiums start at around €5 per month and increase depending on the provider, age, and coverage. For more comprehensive plans, you may pay up to €30 per month.