Dental Insurance for Braces – How to Secure the High Costs of Orthodontics

Braces can be a significant financial burden for many people, especially adults. The cost of braces varies depending on the treatment method, age group, and complexity of the dental misalignment. In Germany, there are specific ways to reduce these costs – with dental insurance for braces. Especially for orthodontic treatment for both adults and children, such insurance is highly beneficial, as it not only reduces the out-of-pocket expenses but also covers additional costs for high-quality braces or aligners.

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The Necessity of Braces – Complex Treatment Costs for Children and Adults

The decision for braces is often made during childhood, but more and more adults are seeking solutions for dental misalignment correction. The cost of braces in Germany is not cheap, and especially for adults, it can quickly run into the thousands depending on the selected treatment method and orthodontic indication group (KIG). This treatment includes not only the braces but also additional costs for regular check-ups and adjustments.

For children, braces in Germany are generally covered by statutory health insurance in cases of specific dental misalignments, but only from KIG 3 (moderate misalignment) and with restrictions on the type of braces. This means that parents often rely on braces insurance to cover the difference in actual treatment costs. For adult patients, braces are generally only partially or not at all covered by statutory health insurance, making private dental insurance for braces essential.

Zahnspangen erforderlich? Goodlife Zahnzusatzversicherungen haben die Lösung

Dental Insurance for Braces with

Goodlife portal za poređenje zubnog dopunskog osiguranja

Naš cilj je da ceo proces učinimo što jednostavnijim. Evo vodiča korak po korak:

  1. Popunite obrazac: Vaši kontakt podaci
  2. Besplatne telefonske konsultacije i izbor zubnog osiguranja Jedan od naših stručnjaka će vas kontaktirati na jeziku po vašem izboru kako bi odgovorio na vaša pitanja i identifikovao najbolje opcije za vaše dete. Zajedno sa našim stručnjacima izabraćete najbolje dodatno zubno osiguranje za decu u skladu sa vašim budžetom i dentalnim stanjem vašeg deteta.
  3. Primite dokumenta osiguranja i zakažite stomatološki pregled: Sva potrebna dokumenta ćete dobiti putem imejla ili pošte. Ili ćemo mi zakazati pregled kod vašeg stomatologa, ili to možete učiniti sami. Stomatolog će napraviti plan troškova.
  4. Pošaljite plan troškova osiguranju: Mi se bavimo komunikacijom sa osiguranjem i prosleđujemo plan troškova.
  5. Započnite tretman: Nakon potvrde od zubnog osiguranja, vaše dete može započeti tretman.
Besplatne konsultacije

Vodićemo vas kroz svaki korak procesa kako biste mogli da primite optimalan tretman bez birokratskih prepreka.

Zahnspangen für Kinder mit Zahnzusatzversicherung

Statutory Health Insurance vs. Private Dental Insurance: The Key Differences

In Germany, statutory health insurance (GKV) only covers part of the cost for braces – usually only for children up to 18 years old with a certain misalignment (KIG 3-5). For adults, there is no reimbursement from GKV. This is where private dental insurance for braces comes into play, significantly reducing treatment costs and covering a variety of additional services.

Private dental insurance for braces covers the costs for various types of braces, including traditional braces, invisible braces (Invisalign), or even lingual technique insurance. With such insurance, you can protect yourself from high out-of-pocket expenses and unexpected treatment costs. It also ensures that you receive the best possible dental correction without worrying about additional costs.

The Best Insurance for Braces: Which Plan Suits Your Needs?

Not all dental insurance for braces is the same – especially when it comes to braces for adults or children. Depending on the need and desired treatment, there are special insurances tailored to specific treatment methods.

  • Concordia Dental Insurance for Braces With comprehensive reimbursement for both traditional braces and Invisalign treatments, Concordia is particularly suitable for adults who want high-quality treatments.
  • UKV Dental Insurance for Children One of the best options for children's braces, offering full coverage for braces with KIG 3 and beyond.
  • DFV Dental Insurance With flexible plans, DFV provides excellent coverage for adult braces and even invisible braces like aligners.
  • Münchener Verein Ideal for families, Münchener Verein provides additional coverage that offers high reimbursements and low out-of-pocket expenses for both children's and adult's braces.
Goodlife ist das beste Vergleichsportal für Zahnzusatzversicherungen für Zahnspangen

Münchener Verein

Zahngesund 100
  • Cena: od 16.50 € mesečno
  • Dentalni implantati: 100%
  • Plombe: 100%
  • Orthodontics KIG 1-2 65%
  • Orthodontics KIG 3-5 100% Ograničenje: 5000€
  • Braces for Adults 65% Ograničenje: 5000€
Bez čekanja Cena zubnog plana zavisi od vašeg uzrasta, dentalnog zdravlja i tretmana. Zatražite besplatne savete sada!


  • Cena: od 17.00 € mesečno
  • Dentalni implantati: 100%
  • Plombe: 100%
  • Orthodontics KIG 1-2 100%
  • Orthodontics KIG 3-5 100% Ograničenje: None
  • Braces for Adults 100% Ograničenje: 8000€
Bez čekanja Cena zubnog plana zavisi od vašeg uzrasta, dentalnog zdravlja i tretmana. Zatražite besplatne savete sada!


Zahnschutz Exklusiv
  • Cena: od 20.00 € mesečno
  • Dentalni implantati: 100%
  • Plombe: 100%
  • Orthodontics KIG 1-2 80% - 100% Ograničenje: 2000€
  • Orthodontics KIG 3-5 100% Ograničenje: None
  • Braces for Adults 100% Ograničenje: 2000€
Bez čekanja Cena zubnog plana zavisi od vašeg uzrasta, dentalnog zdravlja i tretmana. Zatražite besplatne savete sada!


ZahnPRIVAT 100
  • Cena: od 21.00 € mesečno
  • Dentalni implantati: 100%
  • Plombe: 100%
  • Orthodontics KIG 1-2 100% Ograničenje: 5000€
  • Orthodontics KIG 3-5 100% Ograničenje: 5000€
  • Braces for Adults 100% Ograničenje: 5000€
Bez čekanja Cena zubnog plana zavisi od vašeg uzrasta, dentalnog zdravlja i tretmana. Zatražite besplatne savete sada!

Najbolje Zubno Osiguranje za Aparate od Naših Partnera

Naši partneri, uključujući Die Bayerische, Concordia, Württembergische i mnoge druge, nude prilagođena rešenja za one koji žele da pokriju troškove aparata putem zubnog osiguranja.

  • Concordia Zubno Osiguranje: Povoljno i sveobuhvatno, Concordia nudi jedno od najboljih rešenja za osiguranje aparata bez perioda čekanja.
  • DFV Osiguranje za Aparate: Sa fleksibilnim planom, DFV takođe nudi osiguranje za nevidljive aparate, posebno dizajnirano za odrasle.
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Ako razmišljate o zubnom osiguranju za aparate, ne čekajte! Naši stručnjaci nude besplatne savete na više od 20 jezika kako bi vam pomogli da pronađete najbolje osiguranje za vaše potrebe. Uštedite sada na troškovima ortodoncije i obezbedite odgovarajuće pokriće. Rezervišite svoju ličnu konsultaciju sada i dozvolite našim stručnjacima da vas besplatno posavetuju. Zajedno ćemo pronaći savršen plan zubnog osiguranja za aparate – brzo, lako i na vašem jeziku!

Popunite obrazac sada i razgovarajte sa nama – pomoći ćemo vam da pronađete optimalnu zaštitu zuba za vašu porodicu!

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Besplatne konsultacije

Popunite obrazac sada i dobijte personalizovane konsultacije!

Često Postavljana Pitanja o Zubnom Osiguranju za Aparate

  • Koliko zubno osiguranje plaća za aparate? Zubno osiguranje obično pokriva između 50% i 90% troškova tretmana, zavisno od plana. Neke polise nude potpuno pokriće za ortodontsku negu.
  • Da li je zubno osiguranje za alignere isplativo? Da, posebno ako odaberete tretman sa alignerima ili opciju nevidljivih aparata, zubno osiguranje može vam uštedeti značajne troškove.
  • Koje osiguranje pokriva lingvalnu tehniku? Lingvalna tehnika je jedna od najnaprednijih opcija za odrasle koji žele aparate postavljene sa unutrašnje strane zuba. Mnogi privatni osiguravači, kao što su Allianz i DFV, nude odgovarajuće pokriće.
  • Mogu li dobiti zubno osiguranje nakon što je tretman počeo? U većini slučajeva, moguće je uzeti zubno osiguranje čak i nakon što je tretman započeo. Međutim, mogu postojati periodi čekanja i uslovi koji se moraju uzeti u obzir.